Artificial Intelligence

The FBK Digital Society Center’s strategy on Artificial Intelligence focuses on the following two aspects:


  • Social and Cooperative AI – Currently, Artificial Intelligence, and especially “deep learning,” is characterized by a poor ability to model social behaviors and an approach primarily based on methodological individualism in which individual “artificial agents” perceive and interact with non-social environments. Our strategy in this area is to develop Artificial Intelligence algorithms capable of perceiving, recognizing and modeling social behaviors and interactions so as to produce cooperative intelligence and integrate effectively into society.


  • Distributed Intelligence (“Intelligence at the Edge”) – The digital society is increasingly dependent on the ability to process data efficiently and effectively; the enormous computing power available in the Cloud and in “High Performance Computing” infrastructures is certainly a key support; however, there is a strong demand to move intelligence closer to where it is needed: it is predicted that, in the next 5 years, 80% of data processing activities will come out of the Cloud and take place at the “edge.” This evolution is important to reduce latency and reaction times, better distribute computational and connectivity loads (and costs), and reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint. Distributed intelligence also poses new challenges – but also new opportunities – for ethical and privacy-friendly Artificial Intelligence.

ELIAS establsihed itself as a central reference in the EU, with a focus on leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) research to benefit sustainable development, while also promoting the sustainability of AI technologies for the future.

AI4TRUST aims to combat misinformation and disinformation in the EU by creating a trust-based environment that integrates the automated monitoring of social and news media with advanced AI-based technologies to enhance the work of human fact-checkers.

TANGO forges hybrid decision support systems that harmonise human and machine values and objectives, ultimately fortifying Europe’s prominence in human-centric AI applications and decision-making processes.


The project AIxPA – funded by Progetto Bandiera PNC-A.1.3 – Digitalizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione della Provincia Autonoma di Trento, aims to develop an Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution specifically designed for the needs of Public Administrations (PAs).


HATEDEMICS strengthens the preventive and reactive measures against hate speech and disinformation online. It empowers NGOs/CSOs, factcheckers, public authorities and youngsters to prevent and combat polarisation, spread of racist, xenophobic, intolerant speech and conspiracy theories.


DIPS aims to accelerate the digital transformation of SMEs and public administration offering services for their digital transformation in AI and Cybersecurity. These offer a complete approach from the conception to the implementation of technological strategies, while ensuring protection and sustainability.

It will develop a completely novel decentralised application-level orchestrator, based on the notion of self-organised interdependent Swarms. Application microservices are managed in a dynamic Orchestration Space by decentralised Orchestration Agents, governed by distributed intelligence.

AI-CODE wants to evolve state-of-the-art research results from the past and ongoing EU-funded research projects focused on disinformation to a novel ecosystem of services that will proactively support media professionals in trusted information production through AI.


VISION will reinforce and build on Europe’s assets in AI, including its world-class community of researchers, and thus enable Europe to stay at the forefront of AI developments to maintain Europe’s strategic autonomy in AI.

AI4EU will efficiently build a comprehensive European AI-on-demand platform to lower barriers to innovation, to boost technology transfer and catalyse the growth of start-ups and SMEs in all sectors through Open calls and other actions.


It harnesses the concept of “reusable, secure, and trustworthy AI for network automation” to achieve an EU-wide impact on industry-relevant aspects of the AI-for-networks and networks-for-AI paradigms in beyond 5G systems.

TAILOR aims to demonstrate that research and innovation based on expertise, cooperation, and diversity can achieve the European vision of Human-Centered Trustworthy AI and make Europe the global role-model for responsible AI.

It creates the scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs to shape the AI revolution. The goal is to design and deploy AI systems that enhance human capabilities and empower individuals and society.