SDN - Smart Delivery Network for Urban Areas


12 Months (01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019)


EIT Digital



SDN delivered a disruptive business solution for a clean and congestion-free last mile logistics in urban areas, addressing the rapidly increasing traffic of goods for private and business consumers, the livability of city centers, the growing need of reducing operational costs for logistic operators. The main outcomes was an AI end to end solution for urban smart delivery and validated B2B (customers=carriers) and B2G (customers=cities) business models. The impact was on lower emission and traffic congestion thanks to low emission connected vehicles and optimized fleet management in Italy and Finland. Furthermore, the SDN system optimized management of delivery through real-time data analysis and nowcasting approaches and maximized the benefits for all stakeholders (cities, carriers, customers) thanks to dynamic pricing and incentive models.


FBK as leader of AI-based systems. FBK provided key expertise on AI, in particular for what concerns data analysis approaches, prediction techniques, and incentive systems for behavioral change. FBK provided expertise in smart cities, in particular for what concerns sustainable urban mobility by working on optimal routing and incentive management, as well as contribute to the planning, set-up, execution and evaluation of the urban pilot in Italy and Helsinki, in particular for what concerns the adoption of the SDN software platform and the AI system.


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